All-new audiobook demo debut! – How to do voice overs and become a voice actor, voice over training and tips, voice over blog – Voice Actor's Notebook

July 10th, 2011

It’s been a long time coming, but now I can finally sound the trumpets and bang the drums: my new audiobook demo has arrived!

Yippee! icon_biggrin-5873275

(Ok! Ok! That’s enough root-a-toot-tooting and rat-a-tap-tapping. Gotta keep real quiet so everyone can hear my voice.)

And now, on to the demo…

Audiobook Demo

Non-Flash version

(A HUGE shout-out of gratitude to Debbie Munro for her amazing direction and invaluable help with the production.)

Commercial Demo

And just in case you haven’t heard this one yet…

Non-Flash version

My website

If you’re interested in learning a little more about me, hearing a few more samples, or even hiring me for a voice over job, then head on over to my website:

David’s Book of Voices