So you wanna become a voice actor, huh?
December 29th, 2010 On January 4, the good people over at VoiceOverXtra will start the new year with “7 Steps To Building A Better Brand” – an info-packed webinar led by voice over expert, Bettye Zoller. In this webinar, Betty will detail how to analyze your current brand marketing, offer effective marketing techniques, and…
October 18th, 2010 has a category of posts on their blog called Voice Overs Of The World. Each post highlights a few top-notch voice acting performances. All of which are a great source for study, inspiration, or even just entertainment. The two videos I’m showing you today (found on their blog) have a…
January 19th, 2010 Boy! Can my son pick ’em or what? What began as a wonderful father and son moment at our local book store (complete with heartwarming music swelling in the background), ended with yours truly stammering and babbling like a man with two epileptic tongues sharing the same cramped mouth. And I…
May 3rd, 2010 Pretty much all of the books on becoming a voice-over actor will teach you how to perform a list of two or more items. Basically, each item in the list must sound different than the previously spoken item, with each one sounding better than the last. The most common approach is…
May 4th, 2010 I’m still in a fuming state of rage after reading an article that was posted earlier today. It talks about a website where voice talent can sign up to get paying jobs (of which there are plenty.) Voice actor and attorney, Rob Sciglimpaglia Jr., digs into the site’s contract to show…
May 10th, 2010 I admit it, I love American Idol. Not the first few episodes where the weirdos and freakish fame seekers crawl out from wherever they lurk and attempt to be “unique”, but anytime after the top 12 are chosen. It’s during this time in the show’s progression that one can truly see…
May 8th, 2010 As the saga continues to unfold, many beginning voice-over actors (and even some veterans) are scratching their heads about what is a fair price to charge for their time and talent. Voice actor, Paul Strikwerda, has written an excellent article titled The Wild, Wild West Of Quoting Your Price: 10…
January 29th, 2010 My first acting coach used to get so mad at me — and at first, sweet, innocent, hard-working me just couldn’t understand why. That being so, he felt it necessary to have the following conversation during one of my lessons… “David, you aren’t recording your practice sessions are you?” he asked…
February 11th, 2010 Okay, I’ve officially gone off the deep end. I’ve jumped the shark. I’ve gone where no man has gone before (to my knowledge.) I just spent the past hour making a VAN wallpaper for my iPhone. And since I think it’s kinda cool, I’d like to share it with everyone! Either…
February 2nd, 2010 I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to two blogs about voice acting… First is the Such a Voice blog who posted a copy of my article called My “high-tech” voice over home studio. Thanks Catherine! And my second expression of gratitude goes out to Bobbin Beam and her blog for…