Have you heard this one? – How to do voice overs and become a voice actor, voice over training and tips – Voice Actor's Notebook.

December 23rd, 2009

While checking out one of my favorite voice over blogs, Vox Daily, I came across a great little joke by voice over artist Vicki Amorose. In the post where this joke comes from, she explains how we, as voice over artists, need to stop taking ourselves so seriously — which is good advice for everyone (even if you are a brain surgeon.)

The joke goes something like this…

How many voiceover talents does it take to screw in a light-bulb?

Just one. But that one talent has to audition to book the gig, negotiate the fee, understand the client’s light-bulb needs, rehearse, take direction, screw it in, do re-takes, edit out imperfections, send an invoice, make sure they get paid, try to secure the client’s future light-bulb screwing, blog, tweet, podcast and post about it, then make up a joke and send it to Vox Daily.

So true. So true. So true! icon_biggrin-6484368

Oh! And if you want a good voice over challenge,
try reading the punch-line in one breath!

PS If you’d like to read the full post, you can find it here:

Vicki Amorose Encourages You To “Lighten Up, VO Community!”