This guy gets it! Professionalism isn’t dead. – Voice Actor's Notebook

If you’ve ever sent in an audition, then you know it’s a rare thing to get a real “Thank you for auditioning” email. If you’re lucky, you might get an automated email from the website saying that the job you auditioned for isn’t available anymore. But more often than not, you don’t get any notification whatsoever.

That’s why the following email I received recently was such a wonderful surprise. I understand that it was copied and sent to each of us as a form letter. But wow! What a form letter!

What makes it so wonderful is that it isn’t even a rejection letter. It’s a letter thanking everyone for auditioning and from now the author will begin the selection process!

Following is the letter in full, minus the author’s name and other private details. (Published with permission from the author.)


Thank you for your interest in my titles.

Today I will begin reviewing auditions in earnest. I realize there are at least a few more inbound, be assured there is no hard cutoff as of yet. The few samples I have been through are already promising. I do not anticipate this being an easy decision.

This is my first foray into the world of audiobooks, and I’m open to any advice those more experienced in this area are willing to share.

One downside of having so many responses is that I will only get to work with one or two of you. I’m blissfully unaware of the amount of effort required to record and submit an audition, but would like to at least try to make sure each of you get something for your time.

If you have the time and inclination, please send me a link to your marketing/landing page. I plan on blogging about this process later in the week, and will include your links (after testing them, of course). It most likely will not be a huge benefit, as my blog only sees a moderate amount of traffic, but it’s something.

Quality of the samples and my gut instinct about a narrator are going to be my main concerns when going through the auditions. Payment options are also a factor. However, I’m also interested in narrator marketing, following, and story. Your links may help with my research of this, as will your profiles, but feel free to message me to fill in or flesh out that information. It might make a difference.

Give me some time to digest the auditions, crunch the numbers, insert cliché here, etc. I would like to be in negotiations with a potential producer by as early as next week, but we’ll see how things go.

Thanks again.

All I can say is this:
I wish more prospective clients did this!