Tongue twister challenge: Fox in Socks – How to do voice overs and become a voice actor, voice over training and tips, voice over blog – Voice Actor's Notebook

January 19th, 2010

Boy! Can my son pick ’em or what? What began as a wonderful father and son moment at our local book store (complete with heartwarming music swelling in the background), ended with yours truly stammering and babbling like a man with two epileptic tongues sharing the same cramped mouth. And I blame it all on the brilliantly devious Dr. Seuss…

The book, Fox in Socks is a tongue twisting nightmare straight from the depths of enunciation and pronunciation hell. The book is packed with some of the most challenging tongue twisters I’ve seen (perfect for warming up your voice.) Even the inside cover of the book warns you with these words:

“Take it SLOWLY. This Book is Dangerous!”

Now, I don’t want to violate any copyright laws (and if I do, let me know please) but I really want to include one or two tongue twisters from this book.

Three Cheese Trees

Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. Freezy trees made these trees’ cheese freeze. That’s what made these

three free fleas sneeze.

Tweetle Beetles

…when beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle… they call this a tweelte beetle bottle puddle

paddle battle muddle.

(There are even more tongue twisters. But like I said, I don’t want to infringe on any copyrights.)

Anyway, I’ve got to stop writing now so I can go and practice Fox in Socks. My son is counting on me! icon_wink-9205713