Disclaimer – Voice Actor's Notebook

Most people in the world take responsibility for their own actions. If your buddy recommends a piece of software that ends up crashing your computer, you don’t run for the phone to call a lawyer and file a lawsuit. Unfortunately, there are a people in the world who would do just that.

And so, Voice Actor’s Notebook is forced to include this disclaimer:

Any advice, product or service recommendations, or even just my own off-center opinions on Voice Actor’s Notebook comes from the best possible knowledge and experience. But Voice Actor’s Notebook, linked websites and blogs, affiliates, myself, and anyone else related to this blog CANNOT be held liable for ANY and ALL damages that occur from following the advice, recommendations, and opinions posted here. Follow them at your own risk.


Any comments posted on this blog follow the same disclaimer above. They aren’t my opinions so I can’t be held accountable for them.