How to do voice acting without getting caught! – How to do voice overs and become a voice actor, voice over training and tips, voice over blog – Voice Actor's Notebook

April 17th, 2011

A while back I stumbled across this excellent audio seminar by voice coach extraordinaire Nancy Wolfson (the audio is brought to you by voice actor Dan O’Day) titled How to do voice acting without getting caught! It’s probably one of the most eye-opening seminars I’ve ever listened to. In it you learn exactly how to not sound like you’re selling something. Instead, the vital skills needed to put the sound of truth, honesty, and believability in your words (plus a whole lot more ) are taught.

The 2-hour 45-minute audio seminar isn’t free, however. But hey, the only way to become successful is by investing in your eduction right now, right? And in my opinion, investing in anything Nancy Wolfson teaches is a good deal.

Check it out:
How to do voice acting without getting caught!