The little voice over blog that could – How to do voice overs and become a voice actor, voice over training and tips, voice over blog – Voice Actor's Notebook

July 3rd, 2010

When I first began Voice Actor’s Notebook (VAN) a few months ago, I figured that only a small handful of people would find the blog and actually read it. (“Small handful” meaning me and about four or so others.) When, what to my wondering eyes should appear…

Just this past month (June) VAN received over 1,700 unique visitors from around the world!

Now, I do realize that this miniscule number is but a grain of sand on the Internet beach when compared to the sheer volume of visitors that websites such as Google and Facebook receive, but I’m beside myself with joy nonetheless! In addition, VAN has approximately 720 monthly RSS subscribers.

When I see numbers like these it motivates me to write even more informative and entertaining articles to keep the ‘blog flame’ alive.

Thank you everyone for your continued readership!