Voice acting “practise” and a “practice” idea – How to do voice overs and become a voice actor, voice over training and tips, voice over blog – Voice Actor's Notebook

December 14th, 2009

I know. I know. The word ‘practice’ in the title “Voice acting practise” is spelled wrong. I did it on purpose, so please, no e-mails about my poor spelling — my iMac’s spell checker already hates me. 😉

I did so because recently some people found my blog by using misspelled words such as “practise”, “voise”, and “copie” in the search engine queries. (If you’re wondering how I know, I use the free Google Analytics to get reports. Good stuff!)

With deep-seated dread in my heart, I frantically spell-checked all of my posts to see if I actually was the culprit. Thankfully, I wasn’t. But it brought about a practice idea…

How about this:

When we feel a particularly strong emotion (say… deep-seated dread when we think we’ve horribly screwed up), we whip out our handy portable voice recorder and describe exactly what is happening — including all the emotions you are feeling right then and there. You’re not trying to “act” out a scene. Just tell it like it is in your own words. (You do carry a portable voice recorder with you everywhere you go, right?)

Later, you can listen back to the recording to hear how your voice sounded; complete with all of your naturally occurring emotions. In this way you can learn how your voice really sounds when you are speaking with true emotions. You could even listen back to different “emotional events” during your practice sessions and try to recapture the feeling and the sound in your reads.

What do you think?
Is this a good way to “practise your voise acting and copie”? 😉